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Harlan County

was established in 1819 and it is located in the southeast region of the state. With a population of approximately 28,163 the county has a total area of 467 square miles, and the county seat is Harlan.

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Help Needed  If you are a firefighter in Harlan County, we need your help to verify the station information shown below is current and correct.

If you have any information to add to this section, please email us
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Fire - EMS Departments  in  Harlan County
Station Department Address City Phone
  Bledsoe Vol Fire Dept 6298 East HWY 221 Bledsoe 606-558-3211
  Coldiron Fire Dept   Coldiron 606-664-2508
  Cumberland Vol Fire Dept 402 West Main ST Cumberland 606-589-4263
  Evarts Vol Fire Dept 101 Harlan ST Evarts 606-837-8183
  Harlan City Fire Dept 114 North Main ST Harlan 606-573-4130
  Harlan County Emergency Rescue Squad 210 East Central ST Harlan 606-573-3076
  Lower CloverFork Vol Fire Dept 94 Verda School RD Verda 606-837-8674
  Loyall Fire Dept 306 County Pike Loyall 606-573-2323
  Lynch Vol Fire Dept 6 East Main ST Lynch 606-589-0061
  Martins Fork Vol Fire Dept 186 Mildred ST Cawood 606-573-5811
  Putney Vol Fire Dept 40 Shriners RD Putney 606-573-5289
  Sunshine Vol Fire Dept 443 HWY 3459 Harlan 606-573-4242
  Tri-City Emergency & Rescue Squad 1301 East Main ST Cumberland 606-589-4444
  Upper Cloverfork Vol Fire Dept   Holmes Mill 606-837-3008
  Wallins Vol Fire Dept   Wallins 606-664-2609
  Yocum Creek Vol Fire Dept 217 Rail Lane Evarts 606-837-2028
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